Other Tales


As a young boy growing up on the Kano plains of Kisumu County in Western Kenya, I took care of my family’s herd of goats — it was a favorite pastime. My older brothers and cousins would wake up before sunrise to plough the fields, and every member of the family, young and old alike, …

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Other Tales


Seeeeeex ,yes sex.. Sex is a beautiful thing, the most pleasurable act one can engage in. But, there is good, gooder, and goodest sex ,then there is bad sex. Class in session, vuruteni stool. Good sex is when there is Chemistry, but no performance. Gooder sex is when there is performance, but no chemistry. Goodest …

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Other Tales


Rights of passage are important, especially when they happen in a rural setting. Young boys in Kenya undergo the cut, traditionally while transitioning from boyhood to adulthood, in Nyanza it’s mostly a different story. Yetu ilikua sherehe, and this Sherehe was also known as disco matanga, and guys out here wonder why most Luos love …

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